Join our Aikido Beginners Course

Our Aikido beginners novice course starts! Every year we organise 1 to 2 novice courses.

This new series of lessons will take place until the end of this year and is certainly a nice introduction to Aikido. Watch our videos to get a better idea.
However, we advise everyone to just start with Aikido at any time.

What is covered during this class series?
The Aikido beginners course focuses on a few principles:

stance (hanmi)
steps (tsugi ashi, tenkan, taisabaki)
falling techniques (mae ukemi, ushiro ukemi)
weapons (jo and bokken)
basic grips and clamps (ikkyo, nikkyo, sankyo, yonkyo, shiho nage, kote gaeshi ea.
healthy movement

From time to time, we then also train with the other members taking the regular course. In addition, you can also meet Marco Zenthner, somewhat the compass of our club.

This series is certainly interesting for the real beginner who wants to get acquainted with Aikido, but also for people who have been training for a few years and want to sharpen their basics. Aikido is a martial art that is accessible to everyone. An open mind and some perseverance will get you a long way.

Feel free to contact our instructors for some more info. Jo, Myriam and Frank will be happy to help you.
The course takes place in our regular classrooms and costs 95€ for non-members. If you decide to become a member, your contribution is already included in your membership fee.

Below some more information about our Basic Aikido Course September 2020.

Below some more info:

Aikido beginners course

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