Aikido Gent Knowledge Sharing

The Ghent Aikido clubs are already organizing for the 3rd time an ‘Aikido Gent Knowledge Sharing‘ day.

The purpose of this Aikido Gent knowledge sharing is to exchange information, how and why we work in a certain way. Since our dojo’s do not all follow the same teacher this can be very instructive.

A nice bonus is that this is also an acquaintance so that ties between the dojo’s can be forged.

This year, our club has the pleasure of organizing this event.

Aikido Ghent Knowledge Sharing

What you need to know.

  • The warm-up is individual as in previous years, such that everyone can make the best use of their time slot.
  • Each dojo gets 50 minutes to introduce itself. I.e. since we start at 10am:
    • 10am-10:50am: Sho Chiku Bai dojo
    • 11am-11:50am: Go Ryu dojo
    • 13:13:50: Aiki O Kami dojo
    • 14u-14u50: Aikikai Ghent
    • 15u-15u50: Aikido Misogi
  • The cafeteria can be used for lunch in the afternoon, but there will be no possibility to order drinks or food in the cafeteria. Please communicate this clearly.
  • parking is normally available and is free
  • for those who wish to take public transport: the dojo is located at 5 minutes walking distance from Gent Sint-Pieters. When in doubt see our website.
  • changing rooms are on the ground floor and are indicated on a screen at the reception.
  • Our dojo is located on the 1st floor (the first room seen from the cafeteria).
  • The ‘stage’ is free for all participants, a free contribution is welcome.

For more information you can always contact our teachers.

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